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im a happy youngster! (:
hiuching.temasek polytechnic. accounting and finance 310390 |
alexcaixuan chiahui choonteck daniel dennis dianne ethel herman janice jascinta jerene joey joruth juntian ken leonghwee lihua lyncia maggie poheng pokchang qingfu rebecca sebastian siangling siti shihua shimin shiyu sylvia siewleng susan weiling weijie weiqun wencong xinyi xinyuan xuanhui xuanqi xueli yingling yvonne faithfourone'06 fyrtho OTC'07 business studies club scarfo OTC'09
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
Now it's holidays! Enjoying myself as much now before starting to work in July! (: 5 days in Singapore before a month in hongkong! (: now I'm in hongkong! Finally back to a place where I should be at! 2 years plus since I last came back! (: love the weather now! Hehe! Waiting impatiently for 10june! (: can't believe I can actually meet you here! (: but it's another 15 more days! ): but oh well, for now it's waiting for 930pm each day for the next 9 days! (: hope I get to find some wifi place to tap on the Internet each day! (:
Hello! Exams are finally over! (: 4 months of school with 4 months of mugging in exchange with 4 months of holidays! Quite good deal ya? (: this is definitely a different experience from TP! An exam that is one for all! :/ I don't really like this system but I have no choice! Now I leant that consistency is important! I'll learn from my mistake this year! Will start studying early for the next year! Do hope I'll pass all my papers this year although I don't have much confidence in them! :/ isorg was challenging from the start! Tried my best to conquer it and I do hope I succeed! Pbf is fun! Related to what I study in TP! (: plus the calculation is really fun! But too bad the paper was kind of unexpected as one chapter came out 3 qns! And its hard to really score them! Fr is irritating from the start as I got the most demanding lecturer! But this makes me consistently study and do my revision for fr! In the end I feel fr paper is the most manageable among all and I'm happy about it! Moreover I tried to study 3 chaps all by myself! And I can do them in the main papers! Yay! Good job for me! (: audit is theory based! But thankgod I have some basic from TP! (: manage to do the paper but I din finish! But I tried my best for them! Do really hope I can score each of the 4 papers! (: enough of exams and ranting about all this! For now, ENJOY HOLIDAYS! :D Elections is over! Pap dominate yet again! But I'm upset that they lost for aljunied and hougang despite the win in potong pasir. Actually I'm more upset for george yeo, zainul, and the other three members. Zainul cannot be the speaker for parliament, no more minister for the lady, no more opportunity for the young member to display, and most importantly no more good minister gy. He is good but apparently his opponent is just too strong! And the margin is by a lot! Can't say much! And oh great I have tinpl is in my area! :/ what the world has become! And its surprisingly to see the slight margin win for pp by sitoh! Finally after three election terms he succeed! Congrats! Well know have to see if we are right in selecting them to represent our voice for the next five years! Anyway this is the first time im so upset abt a thing. Idk what it implies but I somehow know what I want. But studies first! I'm officially dead for pbf as the theory work really is killing my brain cells! Tml is last day of chionging! I know I can do it! You too! Jiayou! (: |