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im a happy youngster! (:
hiuching.temasek polytechnic. accounting and finance 310390 |
alexcaixuan chiahui choonteck daniel dennis dianne ethel herman janice jascinta jerene joey joruth juntian ken leonghwee lihua lyncia maggie poheng pokchang qingfu rebecca sebastian siangling siti shihua shimin shiyu sylvia siewleng susan weiling weijie weiqun wencong xinyi xinyuan xuanhui xuanqi xueli yingling yvonne faithfourone'06 fyrtho OTC'07 business studies club scarfo OTC'09
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
It's been some time since I last updated my blog! Many things happen and I yet to update! In summary, one year of src and odac committee member has officially ended! Odac ended off with adjam where I'm assigned in nus segment games with junping and Vincent! Although there are like conflicts here and there, things managed to go well in the end! Thank god man! In addition, I manage to be one of the belayer in Smu segment for rock climbing! Like a super happy to rock climb again after my star1 cert with the rest! Hope this holidays will get to do some exercise with them! (: I missed out a chance to be ogl too! Seeing my Bimb and blonde having so much fun, I'm a little jealous! But oh well, I love being a gm also! (: Src ends off with appreciation dinner and bash! This is my first virgin trip to any clubs! Omg! Like a super excited! Maybe is this, lady luck was with me that day! Won one of the 40 lucky draw presents! 50 dollars capitaland vouchers! Woohoooo! Like a shiok! And it's like only person in my committee winning that! (: happy ttm! Anyway thankgod I have Shaun and Wilson with me! Hope we 3 manage to get into the same event next working year! Then we will have tonnes of fun! And aloy ah! Same event or ogl in fod! Pray hard! (: Anyway, was asked to be odac Exco for next working year! It really made me pounder on whether should I take up this role! Src, Exco commitment, year3 workload, uss work, friends and family are my considerations! After much thoughts and talking to my Bimb and blonde, decided not to take up this role! But I will still help them if they need! Jiayou the next Exco team! Whoever who you are and what post you got! Hope you all will excel better than the current comm to make a better odac family! (: And now I'm thinking of getting iPhone! But for 2 consecutive days, I have been rejected on the spot cause of no stock! Shall try the last time tml! Hope there is stock! If not I will have to wait for a month plus or another phone? Shall see how la! (: Anyway, I'm glad to have some close friends with me for all the while! Be it secondary sch, tp, sim, uss friends! Thanks for being there for me! Esp you! (: And I need some motivation to mug! Suppose to have a Cny break but I had tonnes of work to do! Fr Christmas hamper, fr Cny hamper, fr assignment, pbf assignment, isorg work, pbf test, fr test, and mug 4 modules! How! Boo! I have no time anymore to waste! But I'm wasting time here to write this and watch tv! And I just mahjong with family! Nvm shall have some family time first before work! Off I go to study consol! (: Happy New Year! (:
As the title says, Happy New Year! 2010 passed so fast that I can hardly catch! First time countdown in uss! Working for countdown event was ultra fun! ESP with the right ppl! ((; did last set of woody of 2010 and manage to pop the popper! So fun! (: 2010 was a great year for me! - last exams in tp - last event for me in bsc - last sl camp and week 0 - last fo(scarfo) - know the awesome lt18 - first time being fa (loquez) - graduated from tp - know tonnes of friends in poly life - din manage to be accepted by local uni - manage to get in sim uol - my two fav girls (xy and mag) with me for bridging - bridging to skip year 1 lessons - pass bridging exams - go sim uol fod - accepted in uol foc (panthers) - blonde(Jolene) first time same empire as me - bimb(liyi) and audrina with me in odac camp - knew the awesome Monday blues - secret partner walk - went canoe camp with odac peeps - get to know omg - accepted in uol src (welfare) - managed to get in my first choice cv committee - cv event - managed to know more src peeps and cv ppl better - odac adjam event - first event same as bimb - get in uss working as character escort - get to know all the awesome peeps! - overseas trip with family <3 - countdown party at uss Love my 2010 and hope 2011 is a greater year as I'm turning 21 this year! Hope all my friends are good and stay healthy! ((; hope my family is well also! |