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im a happy youngster! (:
hiuching.temasek polytechnic. accounting and finance 310390 |
alexcaixuan chiahui choonteck daniel dennis dianne ethel herman janice jascinta jerene joey joruth juntian ken leonghwee lihua lyncia maggie poheng pokchang qingfu rebecca sebastian siangling siti shihua shimin shiyu sylvia siewleng susan weiling weijie weiqun wencong xinyi xinyuan xuanhui xuanqi xueli yingling yvonne faithfourone'06 fyrtho OTC'07 business studies club scarfo OTC'09
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2nd week of school is ending. I'm having fun in sch! Meeting friends here and there! Chatting for awhile. ((: Anyway have been working twice a week in uss recently! (: happy! Work seems more fun with the usual peeps and sim ppl! They are a huge bunch of funny and friendly ppl! ((: I'm loving my life now! Although I'm a little busy! And I'm having city venture meeting twice a week as well! Gosh I really need a space to rant about this! There is these group of ppl who loves to ask redundant and useless questions! Apparently they are really wasting everyone's time! I pity zhengxiang pls! So I really making a point to go meeting after meeting although it is not productive and what so ever! :X but I love the supper weekly with junping! Cause for sure I always have no time to eat my dinner and I had to rush down to sim after my work at uss! So junping being so nice will accompany me for supper or dinner weekly without fail! My best buddy in city venture! ((: Anyway I need to start mugging! Seeing ppl start mugging all those and i'm here slacking! How! )): I need a study group who can motivate me to start mugging! Let's see who can do it! Haha! Oktoberfest
Oktoberfest is over! It's a great event! Totally enjoyed myself there! A little sad that I din manage to join the tp and sim peeps for the event cause I have uss and welfare chalet! Love the company over at the event! Swiss club is a fun place to work in except that the supervisors are crap! Only know to scold ppl! Maybe only the chinesee supervisor I had for the last day rocks! Love the souveniers I had for the event! The Swiss hat from customer, the bracklet from blonde, the champagne, 4 shots bottles and the money I got from_. Love my pay as well! Hahah! Hope next year I'm working again! (: and did I mention the people there are so nice also! Glad that I manage to talk to some of them more! (: love their prescene! ((: Okay! The yog appreciation event at yog is fun also! Met Sylvia and audrina for the event! There is a lot of ppl wearing the purple ugly yog shirt to the event! Manage to take quite a number of shots with the various characters! Met te escorts also! So funny! Tried to be difficult visitors for them also! The rides with the two of them are fun! Wooo! ((: I would love to go uss again with hbimb when the human and cyclone is out! ((: hahaha! Welfare chalet is a blast also! Although I was late in meeting Joan to head over to the chalet, junping and zhengxiang reserve supper for us! Woo! So nice of them! And when we reach, the drinking session already started! Lol! So strong alcohol smell there lo! And excos are all drunk except for kahhoe lo! Lol! Love the htht session with cityventure ppl! (: know them more now! And I hope it's easier for us to communicate and work with each other now! ((: Alright! A busy week just ended! Another busy week for me is coming out! School is starting for me on tues! I'm excited for school! (: I'm working for Oktoberfest and uss this week! Plus a trip to uss with yog ppl and welfare chalet! And monday blues l4d and city venture meeting later! A busy week! Shall blog again next time! ((: I want to be in a relationship again. Did I mention I got in src? Yes I got in! Welfare dept! ((: city venture event! Okay la. At first, when I know of this, I was like omg I only know the seniors in this event! Like seriously I know Joan, zhengxiang, junping, Rebecca, Vanessa! I only know Sebastian and joy for freshies! It's really weird! I'm damn upset that Jolene din got in src and John for not being chosen into city venture! But know I'm fine with it! I can survive this with seniors and joy! They will be my closest friend there man! Haha! ((; Yesterday was our first meeting! Goodness! I feel like strangling ppl! Just like some of us at the meeting, we feel damn pissed off! Wahlaooooooo! What's wrong with you all. I seriously feel like slapping you on your face! No respect plus keep going out of topic! What you want sia! Damn irritated by this man! !@(?!);;&-:! Last week went passed so fast that I don't hve enough time to enjoy! Wednesday went for movie date with hbimbo! (: step up 3d! But it's not very nice in 3d form! Haha! But it was great to have hbimb as company! Bet they will be my best clique in sim! (: after which had a htht dinner session with my blonde Jolene! (: love her to the max man! We din expect each other to be such great friends and company until now! In tp, we are like those hi-bye friends! But here, we are best of friends! ((: love her so much man! ((: Thursday went l4d with monday blues and rock climbing afterwhich! L4d is so irritating with them cause all of them tend to attack me first cause I'm the most noon! ); rock climbing was awesomeee! Cause I manage to climb to the top! Thankgod weiwen belayed me! Like he helped me to climb up the most difficult part! And I was also very muscular! Wooo~ hahha! Friday went for night cycling with odac! Yes! I was in the same group as audrina, taiheng and darreen! With Clarance and xiaowei as ogl! As expected, I was bullyed from the start again! The irritating mrt game was as entertaining as ever! The 6 of us keep calling each others name as usual! And I got to hit taiheng once again! ((: but the journey was fun! From ecp, to lavender, to mbs, to larborer park, to douby, and finally back to ecp! (: this made me love odac more and more! ((: Head over to liyi liying chalet right after that! Nap for 2 hours and helped her with the decos! (: it was a great birthday party with sim and tp gathering! Glad to see so many ppl again! But still I know it's very weird for being so hostile to you! You might say I have changed! But you changed also! I really hope we can be like last time.... Went straight for work on Sunday! Dead tired! It's only my second offical day of work! I had fun! And I knew more ppl! (: work with the saxophonist this time round! He is so nice! Glad to work with him! ((: saw odac seniors at mrt when I'm heading home! Omg it's damn epic and cause I'm too tired. I ignore them! Aiyaaaa it's so weird! )): Had rock climbing course on Saturday! Omg it's like so fun pls! Although there is only 5 Monday blues going for it, but got highly entertained by yongjia, Terry, mingshun, goderic and Darren! Swear they all damn evil! Still continue to say I'm a bangala! )): upset sia! But it was damn fun to rock climb! I love to rock climb just that in tp, I don't get a chance to! Because of my lcci lessons! ): but i'm going to rock climbing tml again! This time with more ppl! To revise and get our certificates! Haha! Happy sia! (: Anyway I just had my first day of work at uss! It's fun in a way! Just that I need to know more friends to make it even more fun! (: haha! Was with pascale the whole day! Fun! (: hahah! Boonyen was posted to another place! Upset! ): but this Saturday we are at the same green house! Hehe! Another wonderful day! Yay! Another happy thing is liyi got in uss also! So I have another buddy there! Wooohooo! And did I say I had a fyrhto freshie there also? I think his name is renkai! Hahah! I totally don't remember him pls! Haha! After that went odac gathering! Dinner at seah imm! Wooo! Beef noodles! Haha! I'm like so glad that I had that for dinner! (: htht with og4 at vivo and thanks auntie Vincent who sent me home! And their ogl Amos was my neighbour lasttime! Omg! DAmn cool pls! Haha! Just went mahjong at Jerry house yest! Omg I was damn sad! ): lost 3bucks! But first round I won 17bucks, second round lost 20bucks straight! Goodjob! )): |